In this usage, to commit meaning is simply to mean.
To commit more meaning is simply to mean more;
to commit less meaning is simply to mean less.
What 'more' and 'less' mean in this usage depends on which of the (unidentified) dimensions of SFL theory are being referred to. For example,
expansion: more elaborated, extended or enhanced meaning;
specificity: more specific or more general meaning (not to be confused with delicacy);
abstraction: more abstract or concrete meaning;
and so on.
2. commit = pledge or bind (see below)
It is this sense of commit that, at first glance, seems to push to commit meaning beyond the mere sense of to mean. However, as can be seen from the usages below, if this were the case, the form would be along the lines of to commit oneself to (a) meaning.
verb: commit; 3rd person present: commits; past tense: committed; past participle:committed; gerund or present participle: committing
perpetrate or carry out (a mistake, crime, or immoral act).