Matters Arising Within Systemic Functional Linguistic Theory And Its Community Of Users
Monday, 29 May 2023
Demanding Information
Monday, 22 May 2023
Arguing On The Basis Of Evidence
Monday, 15 May 2023
Monday, 8 May 2023
Your Right To Speak
Friday, 5 May 2023
David Rose Attempting To Deceive The Asflanet And Sysfling Communities
In order to have open public discussions about language and pedagogy could I please ask people to use this official discussion list for ASFLA.The “sys-func” address is now a privately managed blog site which I keep trying to block (because of how it has been used), but keeps popping up in my feed because all our colleagues and friends are in my contact list.
In another thread (unfortunately conducted on the private “sys-func” blog, instead of sysfling or asflanet), William Armour asked the age old question …
The jig’s up Chris
Just be kind to people and most people will be kind to you
Blogger Comments:
[1] To be clear, here Rose has resorted to telling what he knows to be an outright lie in order to knowingly deceive his colleagues on the Asflanet and Sysfling email lists. The Sys-Func email list is demonstrably not a blog, private or otherwise, as shown by the public discussions that have taken place over the last 30 years.
An ethical intelligent reader might ask why Rose would want to betray the trust of his colleagues.
[2] Here Rose repeats and compounds the lie by further claiming that he is not the one who has been caught out, without a defence.
[3] To be clear, here Rose is explaining that the reason he told deliberate lies was in order to be deliberately unkind. That is, it was an act of bullying. See, also David Rose Negatively Judging My 'Behaviour'.
See also Rose's Deceptive Use Of Wikipedia.