The Thought Occurs

Monday, 24 March 2025

The Semiotics of Meat: Is a Sausage Still a Sausage When No One is Looking?

Title: The Semiotics of Meat: Is a Sausage Still a Sausage When No One is Looking?

Scene: A roundtable discussion set in an overly ornate conference room, where semioticians, philosophers, and militant vegan activists gather under the dubious sponsorship of the International Meat Council. The atmosphere is tense, yet scholarly, with a hint of impending chaos.

Chairperson: "Welcome, esteemed scholars and self-appointed arbiters of meaning. Today, we address a pressing ontological and semiotic crisis: Is a sausage still a sausage when no one is looking? Let us begin with Professor Roland du Fromage."

Prof. du Fromage (Structuralist): "From a Saussurean perspective, 'sausage' exists as a sign, a relationship between the signifier—the word ‘sausage’—and the signified—the concept of a sausage. The presence or absence of an observer does not alter this structure. A sausage, therefore, remains a sausage, even if left abandoned in the epistemic void of a neglected fridge."

Dr. Morag McTofu (Poststructuralist): "Ah, but Professor, you cling to a rigid binarism! The ‘sausage’ is always already destabilised by différance. Its meaning is deferred across an infinite chain of interpretations. If no one is looking, its very identity is thrown into the abyss of semiotic uncertainty!"

Dr. Jürgen Bratwurst (Quantum Semiotician): "We must consider the implications of quantum mechanics. A sausage exists in a superposition of states until it is observed. It is both sausage and not-sausage, collapsing into its final form only when subjected to human perception. Schrodinger’s bratwurst, if you will."

Sir Geoffrey Meatley (Realist): "Utter nonsense! A sausage is a sausage! Whether on a plate or forgotten in a desolate picnic hamper, its essence remains unchanged. Do we ask whether a cow ceases to be a cow when unseen? I refuse to entertain such whimsical relativism!"

(A commotion arises as a group of militant vegan activists, clad in kale-themed balaclavas, storm the conference room, hurling blocks of tofu like grenades.)

Activist Leader (shouting): "You speak of sausages as if they are abstract constructs! They are objects of oppression! A discourse of domination! No ethical subject should invoke the semiotics of flesh!"

Dr. Bratwurst: "And yet, by negating the concept of sausage, you affirm its existence within discourse. You, too, are trapped within the linguistic prison of carnivorous meaning-making!"

Prof. du Fromage: "Indeed! To abolish the sausage, you must first acknowledge its systemic presence in the symbolic order!"

(The activists pause, momentarily disoriented. A block of tofu collides with a chandelier. The chairperson clears their throat.)

Chairperson: "Ahem. It seems we have reached a critical impasse. Perhaps we can reconvene at our next session: The Semiotics of the Egg: Which Came First, the Signifier or the Signified?"

(Curtain falls as the conference descends into an all-out philosophical food fight.)